
My friend, did you know that Matt 22:14 states: For many are called, but few are chosen.  What if I told you that, many individuals make resolutions at the beginning of the year which is not accomplished. A perfect example of this is the desire to write and publish a book. Many budding authors with great stories join this program and some let outside influences prevent them from completing their journey to becoming a Published Author.

7 Blockages to Publishing:

  1. Not believing in yourself. (Forgetting that the idea was God-inspired)
  2. Everyone around you who has never written a book is now an expert and wishes to tell you what should be included (The critics).
  3. Overthinking this proven process (After a few classes you have become an expert)
  4. Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity. Eccl 12:8 KJV (This process permits everyone to proceed at their own pace and speed, only committing monetarily to the month desired)
  5. Not being consistent (You can spend as little as an hour per week/month to as much as you desire. The key is to do a little each week/month).
  6. Thinking who you may be offending or how your friends, family and readers will think about you.
  7. Not completing. Giving up. NOT seeking that ye may excel to the edifying of the church. 1 Cor 14:12 KJV

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