Pastor Dr. Gloria Boyce

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“Quilly” Award Winning Best-Selling Author, Pastor Dr. Gloria Boyce developed this Proven Writing System which not only works but keeps you on course while bringing your book to publication.

Pastor Gloria Boyce was in a similar situation over 30 years ago with no experience, when she was given her first writing assignment as a Civil Servant, to write a book and training manual on Occupational Health and Safety.

Not knowing what to do, and not knowing who to ask became a daunting task in the quest for answers. When she finally found some people to answer some questions, she discovered that there was no single place to find all she needed to know to do the job well.

So, Pastor Gloria Boyce learned the roundabout way; however, she did find answers. She learnt by trial and error, by talking to other Health and Safety writers, by reading everything about writing that she could find, and by doing it day in and day out for years. As a result, Pastor Gloria Boyce developed this Proven Writing System that not only works but keeps you on course.